Financial Management

Comprehensive tools to improve cash flow management.
Whether you provide respite care, residential high care,and/or retirement village or home care community services, inaccurate admissions documentation or inefficient billing processes can significantly impact cash flow management. Combine this with a changing funding landscape and increasing complexity in insurance programs, and operating your aged care organization is more challenging than ever before. With Leecare’s P6Finance solution you will run your business efficiently and fulfill your mission of helping seniors live their lives to the fullest.
With scalable, customisable payer-type configuration and automated Bonds Register for RADs & DAPs, our Accounts Receivable (A/R) and Billing solution provides timely, accurate billing of all services provided, every time. You can also take advantage of streamlined management tools, including integrated charge elements created on admission, complex auto invoicing write-off capabilities and more.
Understand your occupancy rates at all times. Our Wait-list feature coupled with our staff message center capability automatically produces and communicates admissions, discharge and transfers documentation for clinical and billing purposes. Effectively manage staff resources with a registry of all healthcare professionals, and enhance visibility into your pipeline with tools to manage current, historical and waiting-list clients.
We have the tools to reduce your aged debtors and increase the accuracy of your account tracking. Our Collections functionality provides a one-stop shop to manage all collections-related activity, from conducting ageing reviews to proactively actioning outstanding accounts. Customised account ageing set-up, adjustable collection threshold amounts, and agency assignment are all supported for added flexibility.
With our All Residents ACFI calculator tool you can establish more control in your reimbursement processes. ACFI scores are automatically calculated as assessments are completed. Automatically send resident events to Medicare using online claiming and submission tool. Connect with primary and secondary billing sources for both claims and remittances. Platinum6 B2B integration with Medicare extends your operational reach and ensure that your claims are accurate for all services provided.
Fully integrated with our A/R and Billing module, our General Ledger and Accounts Payable (GL/AP) solution providesfinancial tools, designed forsenior care, to effectively manage vendor information, invoices, adjustments and checks. From tracking bed days in your financial analysis to producing custom financial statements, GL/AP simplifies and expedites your payment processes. Gain efficiencies with automated GL posting for mapped transactions, facility-specific billing journal entries imports, and batch data entry.
Managing petty cash accounts doesn’t have to be. With our petty cash solution, efficiently manage all account activity, such as resident banking, maintenance charges and interest allocation. Track petty cash and other cash box management tasks with our easy-to-use tool. Reports and statements will provide visibility into your activities.